UK Election Results: Dark Days Ahead…

Cedric Ironsides
4 min readJul 5, 2024


At a time when we have never been weaker as a country, these bastards will burn what remains to the ground.

There wasn’t much difference between Blue and Red in this election, except Blue has to go slower on down Globalist Road. Labour are full steam ahead now though.


It matters because traditional shared values are the cornerstone of a cohesive society, encompassing collective beliefs, morals, and ethical standards that guide individual and societal behaviour. These values are formed through family structures, cultural and religious beliefs passed down through generations, educational systems, and community institutions.

Families provide the most important environment where respect, responsibility, and social norms are instilled. Cultural and religious frameworks offer a sense of identity and moral guidance. Educational institutions further reinforce these values, and community organisations promote civic engagement and a sense of belonging.

Government policies and the sort of social engineering Labour (and Conservatives of late) absolutely love serve to erode these values by changing cultural norms.

Policies that undermine the family structure, such as those that downplay the importance or disincentivise marriage and the union of man and woman in a traditional nuclear family, weaken the foundational unit where values are first taught.

Educational policies that either ignore or challenge our national interpretations of history alter the perception of traditional values among younger generations. When educational systems de-emphasise the teaching of religious and cultural heritage and promote specific ideological frameworks such as Trans ideology over education, they foster a disconnect from traditional shared values.

The influence of media, advertising, entertainment, and the civil service further exacerbates the erosion of traditional values. Media and advertising promote individualism and consumerism, which can overshadows societal values. Entertainment industries frequently depict “alternative” lifestyles and views disproportionately to their prevalence in reality, influencing public perception and behaviour. Moreover, the civil service helps to shape societal norms through policy support and obstruction.

Government policies and social engineering efforts that emphasise a sort of pathological permissive empathy, catering to very small percentages of the population impact the greater good of the nation. Focus on these groups neglects the needs and values of the broader population. This leads to a fragmentation of societal norms and dilutes the shared values that unify communities. Catering to niche interests over common values creates divisions and reduce the sense of common identity, further eroding social cohesion.

And, how can we forget mass immigration? Where useful idiots on the Left intersect with cynical traitorous swine on the Right to import the world. One side claims empathy, the other enjoys the benefits of imported cheap worker-slaves to prop up GDP. Both sides having scant regard for the effect that importing so many people so quickly has on the ground. Its too much for the incumbent culture to absorb, so you get sub-societies (“multi-culture”) with entirely different values and norms, entirely fractured from the whole.

As our cultural norms shift under Labour’s supercharged agenda, it will have real impact on people. We see increased levels of isolation, identity confusion, higher stress levels, and diminished resilience, significantly affecting people’s mental health, especially the young who will know no different.

On a societal level, the erosion of shared values leads to widespread mental health issues, decreased social cohesion, economic decline, increased social conflict, and weakened community support systems.

These individual effects, when scaled up, strain healthcare systems, reduce productivity, and increase social unrest, ultimately undermining the stability and prosperity of our communities.

I get it, these are abstract concepts I’m speaking about and difficult to get to grips with. But my concern is REAL empathy for my countrymen — which sometimes requires tough love — not the superficial ‘be kind’ bollocks of the Left and Labour that ultimately is more about gaining and retaining power and control in the name of kindness. They either have the malevolent intention of destroying everything we have been built upon, or they are simply so ideologically short-sighted so as not to realise or care.

Preserving our cultural norms and shared values is essential for the well-being of both individuals and our society, ensuring social harmony, stability, and a resilient community fabric.

So, next time they moan about knife crime, or increasing rates of poor mental health, etc.., see them for the hypocritical cynical incompetents they are: These issues are merely the SYMPTOMS of the ACTUAL problems THEY created through their social engineering policies.


The only solution for decent people is to rely as little on the State as possible and insulate ourselves as much as possible from it and its relentless overreach so that it becomes less and less relevant.

We have to isolate their influence to limit the damage and focus on building grass-roots support structures to replace them.

